July 2021
President's Message
Greetings NDPCS members:
I hope this message finds you reconnecting with family and friends and looking forward to the new normal we will experience going forward!
This edition of the newsletter is traditionally full of pieces of smiling and happy faces at the annual convention. Sadly, once again the convention was postponed due to concerns about the health and welfare of our members. The good news is that we will convene next June 10-12 at the Holiday Inn in Fargo, and we will be so excited to see all of you!
I want to thank board members and committee chairs for their hard work during this challenging time! As a board, we needed to make decisions without meeting in person or holding an annual meeting of membership. Nate Leben, Commemorative chair, is working hard to get your commemorative to you so I ask for your patience and understanding. Jeremy Dietchman, Endowment chair, update our Endowment requests since we were unable to award them last year. Deanna Reynolds, Newsletter Editor, has needed to be flexible so we could provide more accurate and timely information to you. Thank yo, Don and Rose Ann Goerger for agreeing to be convention chairs for next year's convention. These are just a few examples of how supportive everyone has been during this time.
The NDPCS board and committee chairs met by Zoom April 11, 2021. The board unanimously passed a resolution recommending new Board positions, officer positions and endowment requests. We are requesting that our membership approve by acclimation these new positions and endowment requests so we can continue the mission of the NDPCS organization. They are listed below. If you have any questions or concerns about this resolution, I ask that you contact me by email at michaelkaul@comcast.net or call me at 651-351-5401.
Officer and Board Recommendations:
President Mike Kaul 2022-2024
Vice President Jeremy Dietchman 2022-2024
Secretary Bonnie Nelson 2022-2024
Board Jeff Fratzke 2020-2022
Joel Abel 2021-2023
Tara Holt 2021-2023
Sue Stubson 2022-2024
Karen Midgarden 2021-2023
Endowment Recommendations:
Richland County Historical Society Wapheton, ND $1,000
National Buffalo Museum Jamestown, ND $500
Finally, I wanted to send by condolences to the Fiedler family on the passing our Vice-President and steadfast member, Craig. I miss his advice and support and wanted to include his favorite piece of Rosemeade in this message.
Happy Hunting,
Michael Kaul
Happy Hunting,
Michael Kaul
NDPCS Board of Directors Meeting Notes
June 13, 2021
Board Members present:Mike Kaul, President Sharon Smith, Secretary Rose Ann Goerger, Treasurer Joel Abel Todd HansonJeff FratzkeBonnie Nelson
Others present:
Gayette Fratzke
Don Goerger
Tess Erickson, Web Master
Linda Fiedler, Membership Chair
President Mike Kaul called the virtual meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom and phone.
Secretary’s ReportMinutes had been received earlier by board members and also were included with the agenda. Bonnie Nelson moved to approve, seconded by Rose Ann Goerger. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s ReportRose Ann Goerger informed the board that our checking balance was $17,203.62. We are holding a CD worth $8,161.94 (as of 5-27-21). Total is $25,365.56. Jeff Fratzke moved to approve the report, seconded by Todd Hanson. Motion carried.
Committee Reports:Membership: Linda Fiedler reported that we’re “holding steady” with 148 dues-paying members. We have recently gained 2 new members.
Commemoratives: Reporting for Nate Leben, Todd Hanson told us that Robin Reynolds has been paid for making the commemoratives. Todd will take care of delivering/mailing them. He should finish that task in the next several weeks.
Web Site: Tess Erickson let the board know that everything is up to date on the NDPCS website. The site receives 5 -6 emails a month. She received no response on her idea of featuring a member spotlight on the web.
Budget: Bill Bakken sent an email saying that he will wait until the fall meeting to update the budget, as there has been no new information since the last meeting.
Facebook Report: There was no report from Jeremy Dietchman for this meeting.
Newsletter: There was no report. President Mike Kaul stated that Deanna Reynolds needs articles for the newsletter. Mike will work with Deanna on information concerning club decisions.
Endowment: There are two requests to the Endowment Fund. The first is for $1,000 from the Richland County Muse-um in Wahpeton to make display cases for a new collection of Rosemeade and for a marker to place where the pottery factory once was. The second is from The National Buffalo Museum in Jamestown for making moving boxes for a trav-eling exhibit. Jeremy Dietchman recommended $500 for this request. Rose Ann moved to grant the endowment re-quests as recommended, $1000 for the Richland Museum, and $500 for the Buffalo Museum. Bonnie Nelson seconded the motion, and it was approved by the board.
Road Show: No report.
2021 Convention Report: The main issue for our next convention is not having convention chairs. At the meeting Don and Rose Ann Goerger volunteered to be the 2022 convention chairs, solving that problem.
OLD BUSINESSOld business concerned the endowment request approval. See above.
NEW BUSINESSAudit Update: Vickie Swartzendruber audited our books for both 2019 and 2020, and turned in a report saying that for both years the books are complete and accurate. The NDPCS is in good standing.
Nominations needed: President Mike Kaul brought the board up to date on where we stand concerning board mem-bers. Currently, we still need a treasurer and a board member. Bonnie Nelson will assume the secretary’s position, and Jeremy Dietchman will become the Vice President. Joel Abel and Mike Kaul will each serve another term. Tara Holt and Sue Stubson have agreed to be on the board. Other possible candidates were discussed. This information will need to be included in the next newsletter, along with information about endowments. After discussion, it was decided that approval from the membership on board recommendations be by acclamation. President Mike will create a ballot for the newsletter with all the details.
Future Board Meetings: We learned that while virtual meetings do work, the board members would prefer to have their meetings in person. The fall meeting will be in Fargo. Linda Fiedler will check for accommodations at the Comfort Suites.
Future Convention Sites: The board would like feedback from the membership. A survey could be on the NDPCS website, or also be included in the next newsletter.
Other Business: Rose Ann Goerger informed the board that the bank needs a resolution with the correct signatures on it for the NPDCS to do business. President Mike suggested, be it resolved that Rose Ann Goerger have access to infor-mation regarding the club’s CD. This was approved by Joel Abel and seconded by Bonnie Nelson. Exploring the issue further, it was resolved that Rose Ann Goerger have access to the NDPCS checking account. This resolution was ap-proved by Todd Hanson and Jeff Fratzke. The final resolution was that Rose Ann Georger, Bonnie Nelson, and Mike Kaul have access to checking and CD information. This final resolution was approved by Joel Abel and Todd Hanson and also approved by the Board.
Fall Board Meeting: The next meeting will be October 10, 2021, in Fargo, ND.
Adjourn: Joel Abel moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Sharon Smith. Meeting adjourned at 11:13.
Respectfully submitted,Sharon SmithSecretary
RoseAnn and I have agreed to take on the chairmanship of the Fargo convention for Fargo next June 10, 11, and 12. I like to think it is never too early to start planning, so mark it on your calendar. We will try to get information out to you as soon as we can solidify appointments and duties. Thus far, Richard Berg will be handling the Auction. This is the beginning with hopes of a smooth and exciting convention. Any new or innovative ideas are welcome.
Thank you,
Don & RoseAnn Goerger